IC Great Britain claims Tennis Golf Challenge title

junio 2018
Video: Potter Cup highlights

Video: Potter Cup highlights

The Catalan Tennis Federation has prepared a short video with highlights from the recent 2018 Potter Cup, which was hosted by IC Spain at two venues in Barcelona - the Real Club de Polo and Real Club de Tennis Barcelona-1899. 

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IC Spain News

Andres Gimeno Andres Gimeno

Andres Gimeno

The International Club is mourning the loss of one of the tennis world's greatest ambassadors following the passing this week of honorary member Andres Gimeno. 

Ireland and Spain claim Potter Cup titles Ireland and Spain claim Potter Cup titles

Ireland and Spain claim Potter Cup titles

IC Ireland has won the men's Potter Cup title for a first time, while Spain's ladies' team defended their title at the IC's flagship senior tennis team event in Barcelona. 


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