AGM 2023

julio 2023
AGM 2023

AGM 2023

Our AGM took place at the National Tennis Centre in London, on the middle Sunday of Wimbledon.

With over 54 delegates representing 34 ICs, the agenda covered the financials, events round up and match management, the latest business returns for all of the IC clubs, and the expanding IC Philanthropy Foundation. For further information and the documents from the AGM, please log in to the members section of the IC Council website. Each IC’s President and Honorary Secretary has these details and can share any information or answer any questions you may have.

IC Spain News

6th IC Tennis Golf Challenge VIVA Vanity Hotels 6th IC Tennis Golf Challenge VIVA Vanity Hotels

6th IC Tennis Golf Challenge VIVA Vanity Hotels

News from the sixth edition of the IC Tennis Golf Challenge, which took place recently at Cala Mesquida Mallorca in collaboration with Viva Vanity Hotels.
IC Tennis Golf Challenge Preview IC Tennis Golf Challenge Preview

IC Tennis Golf Challenge Preview

The sixth edition of the IC Tennis Golf Challenge is due to take place at the Vanity Hotel Suite & Spa in Mallorca from 25-27 October, with teams from IC Great Britain, IC Germany and IC Spain. 

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