octubre 2022 IC Spain reclaims Potter Cup trophy The IC Spain team led by Roberto Menéndez and captained by Santiago Tintore has reclaimed the Potter Cup title, defeating IC France in the final by a score of 4-1. The key match saw Menéndez, current world champion in the 45+ category, beaten by Frenchman Arnaud Magnin, who has also held the title of world champion on several occasions, in three tight sets. With this victory, the Spanish team regains the title they last won in 2013 in the prestigious competition held at the Real Club de Polo de Barcelona and bringing together some of the world’s best veteran players. This forty-ninth edition of the Potter Cup was disputed by eight IC teams, some of them participating in the competition since its inception, such as the USA, Great Britain, France and Spain. They were joined in this edition by teams from Ireland, Belgium, Germany and Italy. IC Spain had to resort to the final doubles rubber to beat IC Ireland in the first round after a tight 3-2 in singles. In the semi-finals they were squeezed past IC Italia after a retirement by the Italian doubles players due to injury. The Spanish team was comprised of Roberto Menéndez, Pepe Vicente, Albert Costa, Jordi Mas, Bruno Barrientos, Xaiver Llucià, Eduardo Sanz, Oriol Molina, Antonio Diaz de las Casas and Santiago Tintore as Captain. In the women's event, IC Italy was the winner of the fifth edition of the Two Presidents Cup, beating the Spanish team in the decisive doubles, with the teams level after the singles matches. The players Rosa Andrés and Gisela Riera lost the third set by the tightest of margins: a 16-14 match tie break. They were accompanied in the team by Cristina Fontelles, Neus Avila and Eva Bes. During the event, the participants once again were able to participate in a clinic with the group of players from the Acell Federation, which provides playing opportunities for players with learning difficulties. All the participants have expressed their gratitude for the hospitality received from the Real Club de Polo and RCTB 1899, co-hosts of this competition. The tournament was supported by the Catalan Tennis Federation and the Royal Spanish Tennis Federation. Documents to download 2022 MEN'S DRAW(.pdf, 102,82 KB) - 102 download(s) 2022 WOMEN'S DRAW(.pdf, 103,24 KB) - 96 download(s) 2022 TEAMS(.pdf, 103,29 KB) - 108 download(s) 2022 MENS RESULTS(.pdf, 466,16 KB) - 91 download(s) 2022 LADIES RESULTS(.pdf, 253,64 KB) - 102 download(s) Previous Article 2022 Potter Cup/Two Presidents' Cup Preview Next Article The Potter Cup Committee meets in Barcelona
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