A group of children from the ACELL Federation recently had the opportunity to take part in a tennis clinic with rising Spanish tennis star Paula...
El International Club (IC) de España se ha impuesto en el “VI Trofeo Robert Abdesselam” de veteranos celebrado en el Club de...
The Club de Campo will organise the VI Robert Abdesselam Trophy in collaboration with the International Club of Spain and the Robert Abdeselam...
En esta ocasión, el Club de Campo organiza, conjuntamente con el Internacional Club de España y la Robert Abdesselam Foundation, el...
El International Lawn Tennis Club (IC) de España cae en la final masculina pero logra la victoria en la primera edición femenina de...
The International Lawn Tennis Club of Spain just fell short of an historic double win at the 45th edition of the Potter Cup last week, which...
Este jueves han empezado a disputarse los partidos del la XLV Potter Cup/ XV Gran Premi Generalitat de Catalunya/ XXIV Campionat...
Keep up to date with all the latest draws, schedules and results from the 45th Potter Cup competition, taking place this weekend at the Real Club...
Por primera vez en su ya dilatada historia, la Copa Potter extiende el ámbito de la competición al tenis femenino y serán cuatro los equipos del...
El IC España se ha proclamado campeón del IV IC Viva Mallorca Tennis Golf Challenge que se ha disputado en Cala Mesquida del 20 al...
The IC of Spain has won the IV IC Viva Mallorca Tennis Golf Challenge that took place in Cala Mesquida from October 20-23, ending in pole position...
The IC Spain team has claimed the title at the Compass IC Junior Challenge Worldwide Finals, which took place in Monaco last week.
El equipo de IC España se ha proclamado campeón del 'Compass IC Junior Challenge World-Wide Finals' que se ha celebrado esta...
Manuel Santana, ganador hace 50 años del Torneo de Wimbledon ha sido el invitado de honor de la comida que celebra anualmente el IC Council...
Former Wimbledon champion Manuel Santana was the guest of honour at the annual lunch held by the IC Council during the 2016 Championships.
Los socios del IC España han visitado el Open Camp el Viernes 17 de Junio, 2016.
The members of the IC of Spain were invited to visit the open Camp in Barcelona on Friday June 17, 2016.
La 44 edición de la Copa Potter terminó en el Real Club de Polo de Barcelona con el triunfo del IC de Estados Unidos, que...
The 44th edition of the Potter Cup took place last weekend, and saw the team from the United States emerge triumphant, claiming its seventh title...
La alineación para la próxima edición de la 44 edición de la Copa Potter XIV Gran Premi Generalitat de Catalunya,...
The line-up for the forthcoming 44th edition of the Potter Cup has been revealed, with a total of seven International Club (IC) teams from around...
El IC de España se ha proclamado campeón hoy del IC Compass European Junior Challenge, en una ajustada final contra el IC Gran...
IC of Spain has today won the IC Compass Junior Challenge after coming from behind to win a thrilling final tie with Great Britain.
El Club Esportiu Valldoreix acoge estos días el IC Compass European Junior Challenge, competición de tenis mixta por naciones de...
The Club Esportiu Valldoreix is hosting this week the IC Compass Junior Challenge, an IC team tennis competition for boys and girls aged 16 and...
El IC España ha sido el finalista en el Trofeo disputado en Knokke De Zoute, Bélgica, del 22 al 25 de Julio de 2015.
The IC of Spain finished as runner up at the recent Robert Abdesselam Trophy, which took place in Knokke De Zoutem Belgium on July 22-25,...
IC Italy has successfully defended the Potter Cup trophy after beating the USA 4-1 to end a weekend of high quality senior competition at the RC...
Información de la XLIII Copa Potter
Latest news and results from the 43rd Potter Cup in Barcelona.
The line-ups of the teams due to take part in the 43rd edition of the Potter Cup have been revealed. The tournament will be held at the RC Polo in...
Los jugadores de los siete equipos IC que participarán en la próxima edición de la Copa Potter han sido confirmados.
The Potter Cup Committee met this week in Barcelona to finalise plans for the forthcoming 43rd edition of the event.
A special video clip from the partner organisations.
The IC Spain is greatly saddened to report the recent loss of Mr Pablo Llorens Reñaga, who passed away recently at the age of 91.
Lamentamos informarles el fallecimiento de nuestro gran amigo Pablo Llorens Reñaga, fundador del IC España.
A total of 8 players of the special tennis group led by Sergi Bruguera, were able to take part in the Jocs Special Olympics that were organized in...
En los Jocs Special Olympics que se celebraron en Barcelona y Calella del 30 de octubre al 2 de noviembre participaron 1.600 atletas con...
El IC Italia ha ganado la 42ª edición de la Copa Potter, superando por el camino a Gran Bretaña, a la vigente campeona,...
IC Italy has won the 42nd edition of the Potter Cup following a decisive 4-1 victory over France on the final day of the competition.
Se puede consultar el cuadro, orden de juego y la lista de jugadores de la competición aqui.
The 2014 Potter Cup is taking place at the RC Polo in Barcelona from 30th May - 1st June.
The draw, order of play and players list can be...
El IC España ya ha designado el equipo que defenderá el título de la XLII Copa Potter en RC Polo Barcelona la...
Player nominations for next week's Potter Cup have been announced, with IC Spain due to field a strong team for the flagship IC tournament.
A group of children with learning disabilities led by Sergi Bruguera recently took part in the X Catalunya Tenis Tournament at the Sports Club les...
The 2013 edition of the CQS tournament in Prague will be held at the ICLTK from 12-16 June. The event is open to four IC teams, including that of...
Durante la pasada Asamblea anual de la ITF en Copenhague, se firmó un acuerdo marco de colaboración con dos de las...
The International Tennis Federation has signed memorandums of understanding with two of its recognised organisations, the Council of International...
Nuestra consocia y ex-campeona de tenis Arantxa Sánchez Vicario ha recibido r de manos de Francesco Ricci-Bitti el premio Philipe Chatrier,...
IC Spain member Arantxa Sanchez Vicario has been presented with the Philippe Chatrier Award from the International Tennis Federation in...
El IC de España ha revalidado su victoria del pasado año en la 40ª edición de la Copa Potter “XIX Campionat de...
IC Spain has won the 40th edition of the Potter Cup, defending their title with a narrow victory over IC United States in the international team...
Los equipos participantes en esta edición, la número 40 de la veterana competición, son los siguientes: IC Francia, IC...
Teams due to participate in the 40th edition of the competition include IC France, IC Italy, IC Belgium, IC USA, IC Luxembourg, IC Great Britain,...
The IC Spain captain and former Spanish Davis Cup player has been appointed Chairman of the Spanish Tennis Federation's Veteran's Committee
El Presidente de IC España, Juan Mª Tintoré, se unió a la Delegación del Ayuntamiento de su ciudad, Barcelona,...
The IC Spain President, Juan Maria Tintoré, recently attended events held to commemorate the 20th anniversary of the siege of the city of...
El ex tenista español Manuel Orantes, campeón del Abierto de EE.UU. en 1975 y que llegó a ser número dos del mundo en...
Manuel Orantes, the Spanish tennis star of the 1970s and 1980s who captured the 1975 US Open title and played an instrumental role in...
IC Spain members Arantxa Sanchez-Vicario, Andres Gimeno and Manolo Santana have been presented with a special ring to recognise their status as...