The legacy of Mr. Robert Abdessalam has been really important for the world of tennis. The son of an Algerian lawyer, he was the French junior champion in 1937 and 1938, University Champion in 1939, and he even played on the French Davis Cup team. He took part as a volunteer on the Second World War and developed from there an international political career that lead him to be recognised with the French Legion of Honour. He was also French Delegate on the United Nations and founder of NATO. Having served as international lawyer for the sports goods firm Lacoste, he later became vice-president of the French Tennis Federation and of the International Tennis Federation besides being president of the IC of France.
As a tribute to him, a foundation was created under his name, and sponsors the Robert Abdesselam Trophy which is organized by a different nation each edition, and will henceforth be held biannually.
The III Robert Abdesselam Trophy was organized by the IC of Spain together with the Real Club de Tenis Barcelona-1899 from 12-15 September. Four IC teams have taken part in this edition of the Trophy; IC Belgium, IC France, IC Spain and this year's invited guests, IC Italy. This is a doubles competition for 50+, 55+ and 60+, round robin format, each tie consisting of one men's doubles, one women's doubles and two mixed doubles matches.
This year's event was particularly competitive, with a high level of play, as can be seen from the results below:
Teams (.pdf) | Draw (.pdf) | Results (.pdf)