Tennis & Golf Challenge is a mixed team competition organized by IC Spain, which combines tennis and golf. The event involves the participation of 4 teams from different ICs around the world, with a maximum of 6 players per team: 2 tennis players, 2 golfers, and 2 participants who play both tennis and golf.
Competition Format:
- Tennis + Tennis & Golf: Participants over 35 years old
- Golf: No age restrictions and with a maximum handicap of 24 strokes
- Scoring: A total of 7 points will be played combining tennis and golf, distributed as follows:
- Tennis: 2 individual matches and 1 doubles match (3 points)
- Tennis & Golf: 1 doubles match (tennis) and 1 doubles match (golf) (2 points)
- Golf: 2 individual matches (matchplay) (2 points)